Newcastle Junior School

A community of schools – potential, determination, achievement

Telephone02 4943 3479


Over the past 5 years we have seen a significant change in our transition program in the school.  We have built strong connections with Newcastle Middle School through transitional visits, combined school camps and staff visits that have ensured the transition of our students between school settings is seamless. 

In the last 2 years we have worked hard on building connections with a number of support classes in our local community and have transitioned a number of students into these settings.  For our new starters to the school, a successful transition program has been developed to allow students time to get used to their new environment. 

We continue to work on this area to give students the best possible start to their schooling life.

Transition information for parents and carers

For a transition timeline for students transitioning from Newcastle Junior to Newcastle Middle School or to another school download transitions from junior school (DOCX 39KB)